#!/bin/sh # tunnel.command: Establish a secure ssh tunnel to a mail server. # Copyright 2007, Chris Pepper # Edit the host name below to your ISP's email server # See "Talkin' 'Bout SSH Encryption" <> for details. # This script must be executable to run ("chown +x tunnel.command"). You may place it on the Desktop or in the Dock (right side) for convenience. # IMPORTANT: Unless you are Adam, you must change "emperor.tidbits.com" to the name of YOUR mail server for this script to work. # IMAP command ssh -L 10025: -L 10143: emperor.tidbits.com # POP3 flavor -- remove # on the next line, and add it on the previous line, if you use POP3 instead of IMAP. #ssh -L 10025: -L 10110: emperor.tidbits.com